Piloting of Household Level Risk Assessment Tool in Wards 12 and 13 of Bheemdatta Municipality, Kanchanpur, Sudurpaschim, Nepal

ADPC CIC/DCA Nepal, Nepal National Social Welfare Association (NNSWA)"

Implementation Country


Implementation Location

Wards 12 and 13 of Bheemdatta Municipality, Kanchanpur


December 2021- July 2022

Thematic Area





Disasters have widespread impacts, especially on low-income households and communities, exacerbating their vulnerability and hindering developmental efforts. These groups often rely on temporary solutions like emergency aid, lacking long-term disaster resilience mechanisms. As disasters and climate change intensify, proactive disaster risk management is essential. Financing against disaster risk is a proactive approach focusing on resource management to mitigate financial impacts. This method, guided by hazard and vulnerability assessments, supports tailored financial protection strategies, enabling effective disaster responses.




Total HH Surveyed


Local Enumerators Trained and Mobilized


The primary objective of this project is to pilot the deployment of the household-level risk assessment tool in wards 12 and 13 of Bheemdatta Municipality, Kanchanpur, and produce data that can be utilized for decision support in risk financing programs.

Sub Objectives


To deploy digital tool for household surveys.


To deploy digital tool for household surveys.


To categorize households into vulnerability rankings.


To visualize results in graphs and interactive maps.


To generate Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan (DPRP) and digital profiling.


To capacitate municipal authorities and hand over technology.


To integrate output with risk financing programs.

Major Activities & Deliverables/Outputs



Pilot a digital tool to assess risk information and resource capacities of households in flood-prone areas.

Customized NAXA Assessment Platform for data collection and analysis 15 local enumerators trained on digital tool usage 1791 households surveyed for vulnerability assessment Community infrastructure and resource data integrated into the platform.

Conduct household risk assessments using extensive surveys.

Open geospatial map data of project location through digitization of households, buildings, road networks, river, agricultural areas and other geographical features in the OpenStreetMap (OSM).

Build potential partnerships between local governments, humanitarian organizations, and financial institutions.

Customized technical system - NAXA Assessment Platform consisting of household data collection toolkit and web-based interface for input of primary and secondary datasets to analyze household data and risk assessment for visualization.

Develop risk financing strategies to help vulnerable households adapt and strengthen resilience against climate-induced impacts and disasters.

15 local enumerators trained on the use and functioning of a digital tool for data collection.

Address data gaps for risk financing solutions through the piloting process.

A total of 1700+ households were surveyed for vulnerability calculation and visualization in the assessment platform.

Develop risk financing strategies to help vulnerable households adapt and strengthen resilience against climate-induced impacts and disasters.

Attributes on existing community infrastructures and resources collected and integrated into the platform.



Enhanced Disaster Response

Open geospatial database in OSM enables effective disaster response and planning, allowing agencies to locate and support vulnerable groups.


Scalable Digital Platform

Customizable platform adaptable to various geographic contexts, enhancing local risk financing and meeting long-term user needs.


Local Technical Capacity

Trained enumerators provide technical manpower for future digital initiatives, spreading knowledge of risk assessment tools.


Data-Driven Risk Financing

Vulnerability data from 1791 households informs targeted risk financing instruments, strengthening community resilience.


Improved Strategic Planning

Collected data enables more effective planning and coordination of service delivery in the project area.




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