Digital And Spatial Technologies for Anticipatory Action

An Integrated Platform to support risk-informed decision making

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What is DASTAA ?

DASTAA is an integrated assessment tool that provides the necessary evidence to support anticipatory action decision making, from the design of the data collection survey to data visualization and analytics. The tool automatically analyzes datasets collected using a digital data collection approach and categorizes individual geographical objects into three categories: red, green, and yellow, based on the level of vulnerability/risk of the individual geographical object.

Mobile Applications

Make your own data collection survey forms.Plan and manage activities for collecting digital data.Assign user roles and monitor the progress of data collection work. Relevant information is disseminated with a single click

Web Applications

Create a set of criteria for ranking geographical objects.Storage, management, and visualization of data.Analyze automatic data for risk/vulnerability ranking.Create an individual geographical object profile.Create your own custom reports

How DASTAA Works ?

Anticipatory action tools operate in an integrated fashion. The initial step is to collect primary data, which involves assessing household vulnerability, hazards, and capability, which leads to risk assessment and visualization.

Collect Contents

Compellingly harness reliable methodologies and orthogonal web services.

Create Design

Compellingly harness reliable methodologies and orthogonal web services.

Generate Ideas

Compellingly harness reliable methodologies and orthogonal web services.

Launch Project

Compellingly harness reliable methodologies and orthogonal web services.

Use Cases

These groups will handle emerging collaboration and organize collective efforts in Disaster Risk Reduction.